Super Baby!
We went to Juliette’s 4 month doctor’s appointment this afternoon. As usual, she was dubbed “perfect!” Here are her most recent stats: …
We went to Juliette’s 4 month doctor’s appointment this afternoon. As usual, she was dubbed “perfect!” Here are her most recent stats: …
Just thought we would share some cuteness shared by the cats and Juliette. This is the life!
Just a few more photos to show off our adorable kittens.
Lest you think we’ve been ignoring the cats, here’s a post full of cat pictures. While they haven’t been the main focus …
This is what date night in entails… making a fort using the cushions from 3 separate couches and 4 blankets. Even the …
There’s a lot going on in the Axelrod household, so we figured our blog needed a fresh coat of paint. We will …